Futures Expeditions
In this project, futures expeditions of four to six hours duration with 12 to 30 young people aged between 14 and 18 years are offered. Possible topics include "The Futures of my Region", "The Futures of Work" or "The Futures of Democracy".
We are currently looking for hosts who are connected to young people and have access to suitable rooms. The date and topic of the expedition will be coordinated individually with each host. The preparation and facilitation will be done by the trained staff of the ZGF or partners from the network based on the script we have developed. Details and contact information can be found in this summary.
The goal of the expeditions is for participants to experience a wide variety of possible futures and to see that uncertainty and complexity are part of everyday life. They also recognize that their images of the future influence their actions in the present. Overall, their Futures Literacy - as promoted by UNESCO for about 10 years – should increase during the expedition.
The first expedition took place in January 2023 in German at the Technical College for Tourism and Biotechnology in Merano on the topic of "Futures of Work", in cooperation with the Management Center Innsbruck.
Two further expeditions in German followed in February 2023 at the Regiomontanus Gymnasium in Haßfurt (report on the website there) and with students from the Celtis Gymnasium in Schweinfurt.
A total of 60 young people took part in the first three expeditions. The follow-up survey revealed a clear picture of increased Futures Literacy among the young people, great joy in working together on diverse futures, and many concrete ideas for action in the present. These results correspond with the observations of teachers and facilitators during the expeditions.
Team Expedition Zukünfte
Stefan Bergheim
Stefan Bergheim ist seit 2009 Direktor des ZGF. Er schreibt, spricht und setzt die Prozesse mit den verschiedenen Teams um.
Lilly Herde
Bereits in ihrem Studium “Management in Nonprofit-Organisationen” an der Hochschule Osnabrück hat sie sich mit Zukünftebildung beschäftigt und ein Zukünftelabor umgesetzt. Es folgte eine Ausbildung als Designerin und Moderatorin von Zukünftelaboren. Seit dem 1. September setzt sie diese Erfahrungen für das ZGF ein.
Sandra Schwarzmann
Sandra hat eine Ausbildung zur Designerin und Moderatorin für Zukünftelabore absolviert und einige Labore umgesetzt. Im Projekt beschäftigt sie sich vor allem mit Evaluation und Wirkungsmessung.